Local 01/02 Numbers
01 and 02 numbers are Geographic Numbers and can give you a Local presence in a specific town or region.
Our 01 and 02 numbers are Virtual Numbers which means you can receive calls to them on your existing phone number based outside the local area. They work alongside your existing landline without the need for any extra hardware or changes to your contract, and can even be attached to a mobile number. Callers pay the same rate to call our Virtual Geographic Numbers as they do when calling a standard 01 or 02 number.
more calls are made to geographic numbers*
*compared to mobile calls in the UK during 2016
Step 1: Choose a Number
This exclusive range of numbers is only available on application.
To discuss availability and get your new number setup today, please request a callback or call 08450 56 77 77 and talk to our dedicated team of experts
This exclusive range of numbers is only available on application.
To discuss availability and get your new number setup today, please request a callback or call 08450 56 77 77 and talk to our dedicated team of experts
This exclusive range of numbers is only available on application.
To discuss availability and get your new number setup today, please request a callback or call 08450 56 77 77 and talk to our dedicated team of experts
This exclusive range of numbers is only available on application.
To discuss availability and get your new number setup today, please request a callback or call 08450 56 77 77 and talk to our dedicated team of experts
This exclusive range of numbers is only available on application.
To discuss availability and get your new number setup today, please request a callback or call 08450 56 77 77 and talk to our dedicated team of experts
* Standard charge to receive calls outside of your monthly call charge plan’s included minutes. A monthly call charge plan is required, please contact us to discuss your requirements. We may offer cheaper per minute charges within your monthly call charge plan.
** Calls from landlines and mobiles can count towards the callers’ inclusive minutes call plans.
All prices quoted exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated. A deposit may be required to cover call charges depending on credit status.
How do Virtual Geographic 01/02 numbers work?
- Callers pay the same rates as dialling standard 01 and 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles
- Calls to 01 and 02 numbers count towards any inclusive minutes call packages
- Provides a Local presence which allows you to focus your marketing and appeal to customers within a specific town or region
- You can keep the Virtual number for life, so no need to update your telephone details every time you relocate
- Easy to re-target your Virtual number to an alternative landline or mobile
- Allows you to easily manage inbound calls to suit your specific business needs in conjunction with our optional range of Intelligent Call Solutions
- Receiving calls to 01/02 numbers can costs less than to Freephone 0800 numbers
- Free monthly online call statistics are included to help you monitor your inbound call traffic
Have Questions?
Often the easiest way to find what you’re looking for is to speak to our experienced and dedicated team. Just give us a few details and we’ll give you a call back:
How Do Memorable Numbers Work?
Watch our quick video to find out how memorable numbers can help your business generate more leads, convert more sales and keep your customers happier.